Segnalo 5 eBook che trattano aspetti relativi all’analisi dei dati orientata alla “Data Science”. Il download può essere eseguito riconoscendo all’autore il prezzo consigliato oppure un prezzo inferiore. Per valutare se l’eBook è di interesse, c’è la formula “Free Minimum”.
R Programming for Data Science
This book brings the fundamentals of R programming to you, using the same material developed as part of the industry-leading Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization. The skills taught in this book will lay the foundation for you to begin your journey learning data science. See the packages below to obtain datasets, R code files, and video lectures.
The Elements of Data Analytic Style
This is a guide for people who want to analyze data.
Regression Models for Data Science in R
This book gives a brief, but rigorous, treatment of regression models intended for practicing Data Scientists.
OpenIntro Statistics
OpenIntro has been producing open-source textbooks since 2010 that have been used in courses at the high school level to the Ivy League. We are excited to (finally!) offer a way for readers to financially contribute to the project by purchasing on LeanPub. All revenue from Leanpub purchases of OpenIntro Statistics go directly to the textbook’s authors. You can find many more OpenIntro resources, e.g. software labs, slides, and data, on
Data Analysis for the Life Sciences
Data analysis is now part of practically every research project in the life sciences. In this book we use data and computer code to teach the necessary statistical concepts and programming skills to become a data analyst. Instead of showing theory first and then applying it to toy examples, we start with actual applications and describe the theory as it becomes necessary to solve specific challenges. The book includes links to computer code that readers can use to follow along as they program.
Buona lettura!