Con l’aggiornamento di Dicembre PowerBI introduce, tra le molte novità, il supporto ai grafici di R, la possibilità di usare gerarchie quando collegati a SSAS Multidimensional e molte alter interessanti feature:
Report Authoring
- Formatting Pane & Ribbon
- Format data labels per category series
- Change number of decimal places showed in visuals
- Change text size in visuals
- Ability to lay out visuals accurately: alignment, distribute, size, position (requires Power BI Desktop for authoring)
- Set styles across multiple visuals through Format Painter (requires Power BI Desktop for authoring)
- Enhancements to Visualizations
- Visuals cue for sort state in Table visual
- New Visual: Stacked Area chart
- Smart tooltips for Area and Line charts on hover
- Ability to create Reference line/region for a Cartesian visual
- Improved data labels for pie and scatter chart
- R Visuals integration in Power BI Desktop (Preview Feature)
- Suggested table to table relationships when trying to create visuals involving two tables which are not related (Power BI Desktop only)
- Optimized “Home” ribbon layout in Power BI Desktop
Data Modeling (Power BI Desktop only)
- Relationships View
- Zooming Slider
- Fit Zoom to Screen
- Reset Layout
- Ability to Zoom in using Ctrl-Mouse selection rectangle
Data Connectivity (requires Power BI Desktop for authoring)
- SSAS Multidimensional support – Hierarchies support (Preview Feature)
- Stripe Connector
- Smartsheet Connector
- “Enter Data”: Paste or enter data to create a table
- DirectQuery Improvements: Support for all data types of T-SQL and SAP HANA, resulting in Performance improvements.
- ODBC Connector: Support for selecting User/System DSNs
- CSV Connector: Ability to specify Column Delimiter in the Source dialog
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More Power BI Feature Updates: Power BI Desktop December Update and new Power BI service features