E’ stata rilasciata la CTP 3.1 di SQL Server 2016!
L’annuncio ufficiale è stato dato con questi due articoli su TechNet SQL Server Blog:
- SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 3.1 is available
- What’s new for SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services in CTP3.1
Queste le principali novità:
New In-Memory OLTP improvements in CTP3.1 include:
- Unique indexes in memory-optimized tables, to complement the support for unique constraints that was released in CTP3
- LOB data types varchar(max), nvarchar(max), and varbinary(max) in memory-optimized tables and natively compiled modules
- Indexes with NULLable key columns in memory-optimized tables
Programmability improvement – AT TIME ZONE clause
Support for AT TIME ZONE clause that allows customers to convert datetime values across different time zones, honoring time zone conversion rules. It can be used to appropriately present datetime values in applications that target international markets.
Syntax inputdate AT TIME ZONE timezone.
- Inputdate: An expression that can be resolved to a smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2, or datetimeoffset value
- Timezone: Name of the destination time zone in standard format as enumerated by Windows. Available time zones can be found by querying sys.time_zone_info
SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) updates allow upgrading your existing models to 1200 compatibility level and a JSON editor for SSDT.
SQL Server PowerPivot and Reporting Services/Power View for SharePoint 2016 available now with CTP3.1!
Il download della CTP 3.1 di SQL Server 2016 è disponibile da SQL Server Evaluation Center.
Buon divertimento!