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Sync Framework v1 and Sync Services for ADO.NET v2

E’ stato rilasciato il Sync Framework v1 e i Sync Services for ADO.NET v2 che finalmente supportano nativamente il Change Tracking di SQL Server 2008:

"SQL Server 2008 Integrated Change Tracking: If you are using SQL Server 2008, we recommend that you use the SQL Server change tracking feature. This feature addresses many of the issues of custom-tracking systems and provides a straightforward way to track changes. Change tracking is also supported by the Local Database Cache in Visual Studio 2008 SP1. Developers can now specify that the Configure Data Synchronization wizard should enable SQL Server change tracking on the server and generate the commands necessary to select and apply changes to the server database. Unlike custom change tracking systems, SQL Server change tracking does not require any schema changes in the server database. For more information, see the Visual Studio 2008 documentation. "



Chi è Davide Mauri

Microsoft Data Platform MVP dal 2007, Davide Mauri si occupa di Data Architecture e Big Data nel mondo dell'IoT. Attualmente ricopre il ruolo di "Director Software Development & Cloud Infrastructure" in Sensoria, societa specializzata nella creazione di Wearables e sensori per l'IoT applicati a tessuti ed oggetti sportivi.

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