E’ stato rilasciato ieri, 29 Febbraio 2016, l’aggiornamento di Power BI Desktop di Febbraio. Molte le novità introdotte come al solito, e particolarmente interessanti due, che permettono di Power BI di diventare un interessante client per Analysis Services e che sono
- La possibilità di navigare gerarchie
- La capacità di gestire KPI e Display folder
- La possibilità di esportare i dati in formato CSV
e poi, più in generale, la possibilità di creare colonne calcolate in modalità Direct Query. Ovviamente ce ne sono molte altre, di seguito la lista:
Report View
- See Data Behind a Visual (including Export Data to CSV)
- Map Improvements – Plot map with latitude/longitude only
- KPI Consumption GA Support (including navigation hierarchy support and KPI trend for SSAS MD)
- SSAS Exploration Mode: Support for Display folders in the Fields pane
- Ribbon layout improvements: Contextual ribbon tab for Report Tools
- New KPI Visual
- Get reports opened to the same page that was visible when they were saved
- “Edit Query” option in table context menu in the Fields pane (Report & Data views)
- “Duplicate Page” from the ribbon
Data Modeling
- Ability to define hierarchies
- Performance Improvement: Table & Column rename optimizations
Data Connectivity
- DirectQuery support for Oracle and Teradata databases
- DirectQuery – Support for creating Calculated Columns
- Support for publishing Analysis Services Live reports
- JSON File connector
- SQL Sentry connector
- Support for jagged CSV files
- Exchange Connector – OAuth Support
- SharePoint List Connector – URL validation
- Database Connectors – Ability to disable Navigation Columns in Query previews (Perf optimization)
- Web Connector – Fine-grained scoping of Credentials
- “Enter Data” dialog UX enhancements
- SAP HANA – Support for single sign-on with Windows Authentication (Desktop only)
- SAP HANA – Support for Field labels
- Alphabetic sort of columns in Choose Columns builder
- Improved performance of renaming/removing/reordering columns
- Virtualized Preview in Query Editor
- Visual indicator for unloaded queries in Query Editor
- 1-click Percentage Transform
Qui il dettaglio di tutte le novità:
Power BI Update: Lots of new authoring features and a new Power BI Desktop update