E’ stato rilasciato il Cumulative Update 2 per le RML Utilities
RML Utilities for Microsoft SQL Server CU2
Le RML Utilities sono una serie di tool utilissimi per analizzare le performance di SQL Server. Sono supportate tutte le versioni di SQL Server
- SQL Server 2005
- SQL Server 2008
- SQL Server 2008 R2
- SQL Server 2012
- SQL Server 2014 CTP2
questi sono i tool inclusi:
- SQL Azure – Connectivity and ReadTrace/Reporter database storage support
- SQL Server 2012/2014 Client and Server Versions supported
- SQL 2005 thru SQL 2012/2014 Engine TRC support
- Limited SQL Server 2012/2014 XEL ReadTrace support, including limited XEL to TRC conversion
- Improved compressed file handling (types and performance – See Expander documentation for complete details)
- Includes ReadTrace and Reporter support for MARS connections (OStress and Replay do not support MARS connections)
- Reduced memory footprint across all utilities
- .NET 4.0 Framework
- Performance enhancements (> 64 CPU support, processor group awareness, NUMA awareness)
- Parallel worker pools used internally to boost performance and reduce system impact
- Rollup of RML hotfixes
- Logging enhancements and additions