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Oracle-CDC for SSIS – Beta Version

Attunity ha rilasciato al pubblico a titolo gratuito la versione beta della sua soluzione specifica per Integration Services, in grado di rendere fruibile la funzionalità di Change Data Capture anche su ORACLE.

Questo il comunicato ufficiale:

Oracle-CDC for SSIS – new beta release by Attunity

Attunity is a Microsoft SQL Server technology partner and the creator of the Microsoft Connectors for Oracle and Teradata, currently available in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition.
Attunity released a beta version of the Attunity Oracle-CDC for SSIS, a product that integrates continually changing Oracle data into SSIS, efficiently and in real-time. Attunity designed the product and integrated it into SSIS to create the simple creation of change data capture (CDC) solutions, accelerate implementation time, and reduce resources and costs. They also utilize log-based CDC so the solution has minimal impact on the Oracle source system. You can use the product to implement enterprise-class data replication, synchronization, and real-time business intelligence (BI) and data warehousing projects, quickly and efficiently, leveraging their existing SQL Server investments and resource skills.
Attunity architected the product specifically for the Microsoft SSIS developer community and the product is available for both SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008. It offers the following key capabilities:
  • Log-based, non-intrusive Oracle CDC
  • Full integration into SSIS and the Business Intelligence Developer Studio
  • Automatic generation of SSIS packages for CDC as well as full-loads of Oracle data
  • Filtering of Oracle tables and columns at the source
  • Monitoring and control of CDC processing

Chi è Davide Mauri

Microsoft Data Platform MVP dal 2007, Davide Mauri si occupa di Data Architecture e Big Data nel mondo dell'IoT. Attualmente ricopre il ruolo di "Director Software Development & Cloud Infrastructure" in Sensoria, societa specializzata nella creazione di Wearables e sensori per l'IoT applicati a tessuti ed oggetti sportivi.

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